Why Falls are so important to the Community, Hospitals & Care Homes


Falls and fall related injuries are a real danger… falls are the largest cause of emergency hospital admissions for older people. Hip fractures, are the most common serious injury resulting from a fall.

Did you know??

  • 30% of people aged 65 or over living in the community fall each year.
  • Over 150,000 falls in England and Wales in acute hospitals.
  • Over 28,000 falls in mental health units.
  • Victims of falls over ages 65 occupy hospital beds for a total of more than 4 million days a year in England, at an estimated cost of over £2billion.
  • Falls are the most common cause of traumatic brand injury (TBI) which accounts for 46% of fatal falls among older people.
  • The incidence of falls in hospitalised patients ranges from 1.4 – 18.2 falls per 1000 days.
  • 2 – 9% result in serious injury including fractures, subdural haematomas or even death.
  • Falls are the leading cause of both fatal and non-fatal injuries among older adults.

Due to the ageing population, falls are the biggest cost to the health and social care system and this is on the increase as people live longer.

Common reasons for falls in the elderly…

  • Gait or balance deficits.
  • Incorrect footwear.
  • Patients/ residents who take four or more drugs, or use sedatives.
  • Those with reduced visual activity.
  • Loss of hearing, neuropathy, functional impairment, changes in mental status.
  • Prolonged length of hospital stay.
  • Poor communication between staff, patient and family.
  • Environmental factors such as tables, chairs, incorrectly positioned.

These statistics and facts confirm that every healthcare environment needs a fall prevention practice in place to reduce the number of falls. Hospital staff, carers and family need to be educated on the importance of prevention fall related risks. Everyone needs to be engaged in the commitment to reducing falls.

At Repton Medical, fall management forms part of our Patient Safety product portfolio. We are here to help serve the community with our products and training to make a large positive impact on hospitals, healthcare settings and care homes. To see our full range of fall prevention products please click this link.

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