What to do if you fall?

What to do if you fall?

After taking sensible precautions and being aware of the risks, falls can still occur.

Firstly, it is important not to panic when you fall and although you may feel a little shaken or shocked, staying calm and remaining in control of the situation will help you gather your thoughts and remember what you need to do. Before you take any action, you need to consider whether you feel able to get up again.

 If you don’t feel hurt and you feel able to get up please follow the following actions:

  1. Take your time and don’t get up too quickly (even if urged to do so by helpful family or friends)
  2. Roll onto your hands and knees and look for a stable piece of furniture, such as a chair or bed.
  3. Holding onto furniture, slowly get up. A chair may be steadier if you lean against the seat rather than the arms.
  4. Sit down and rest for a while to recover.

If you do feel hurt or are unable to get up please follow these alternative actions:

  1. Try to get someone’s attention – use your personal alarm if you have one or use your mobile to dial 999. If there is someone nearby, call out for help or band on the wall or floor.
  2. While you are waiting for help, get as comfortable and warm as you can. Get to a carpeted area of floor if you can and try to reach for something warm to put over you, particularly your legs and feet such as a blanket, duvet, dressing gown or towels.
  3. Move regularly to help you keep comfortable and avoid pressure sores. Unless you suspect a fracture, try to change your position every half an hour or so.
  4. Always report a fall to your GP. They can recommend a fall risk assessment, which will look at ways to improve safety in your home and reduce the risk of further falls.