The NHS's 70th Birthday!


The NHS was launched by the Health Secretary Aneurin Bevan in 1948 at Park Hospital in Manchester and he was in charge of bringing hospitals, doctors, nurses, pharmacists, opticians and dentists together. The idea was that good healthcare should be available to all people, despite their wealth. When everything came into place on July 5th 1948 it was based on three principles:

-       To meet the needs of everyone

-       For it to be free

-       To be based on clinical need

These have been the three core principles of the NHS over the past 70 years and still remain the same. 

Life expectancy has risen over the years 





65 years

76 years


70 years

81 years


The Retirement Age has Changed





65 years

65-67 years


60 years

65-67 years


The NHS cares for over 1 million patients every 36 hours. All staff that work within the NHS deserve a huge thank you and lots of appreciation for all the amazing care and treatment that they deliver to us. Without the NHS we would not have all the extremely helpful and educational information that we do. 

Without the NHS, medical attention would not be free at the point of access. Lower income families may not seek medical attention with the potential to decrease life expectancy.

The risk that medical assistance would only be accessible for the higher income families goes against the very ethos of the health sector professional’s beliefs. With no NHS, staff availability would decrease since the majoritycome into the profession to do good and help all walks of life, not just for those who can afford it.  We should all be extremely grateful for having the NHS as it is an amazing service and we are very lucky to have it!


The NHS provides lots of jobs and careers, for people to be able to make a living, but for them to also be able to make a difference to others lives. We have lots of professionals who will work hour after hour doing their best and giving you the best care possible. The NHS is not something that we should take for granted, we should appreciate it and thank all members of the NHS for all the amazing hard work that they do. 


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