Staying Healthy in the Winter

Staying healthy in winter

Even though the frost has arrived and the temperature is declining, there is no need to be unhealthy throughout the winter months! The NHS have suggested 5 ways to make sure you are keeping healthy and fit, even when your body is telling you to hibernate.

  1. Eliminate your sleep debt

 Particularly in the winter it is important to get a good night’s sleep for health and wellbeing. In the winter months, we naturally sleep more because of the longer nights. Take advantage of these longer nights and make sure you are getting seven to nine hours which is recommended by The Sleep Council.

  1. Drink more milk

In the winter you are 80% more likely to catch a cold, so making sure your immune system is in top condition is important. Eating a balance diet is important in the winter as infections are higher and easier to catch. Milk and dairy products such as cheese, yoghurt and fromage frais are great sources of protein and vitamins A and B12. These products are also important sources of calcium which helps to keep your bones strong.

  1. Eat more fruit and vegetables

Unhealthy food becomes a lot more tempting in the winter months as it is cold and dark outside. However, it is still important to ensure you still have a healthy balance diet and include five portions of fruit and vegetables a day.

Try and make healthy alternatives, when you are craving a sugary treat try a juicy Clementine or Satsuma instead or sweet dried fruits such as dates or raisins. Also remember that winter vegetables can be roasted, mashed or made into a warm soup for a comforting winter meal for the whole family. Explore what is in season and excite your taste buds!

  1. Try new activities for the whole family

When it’s cold your motivation to be active is very low and you may use any excuse to stay in the house. Instead, get out with the whole family and try a new activity and embrace the winter season. Why don’t you try ice skating, or taking a bracing winter walk in the park? Doing regular exercise helps control your weight and boost your immune system. Let us know in the comments below on which activities you choose to do!

  1. Have a hearty breakfast

Porridge is the perfect breakfast in the winter season. Eating a warm bowlful on a cold morning isn’t just a delicious way to start the day, but it helps to boost your intake of starchy foods and fibre. These provide you with lots of energy and help to keep you feel fuller for longer which stops the temptation to snack mid-morning on festive treats.

If you try to achieve these 5 key tips for the winter months you will stay healthy and active! Summer is only around the corner.