Put Safety First

sign up to safety

Sign up to Safety Campaign

At Repton Medical we believe in putting Patient Safety first. Our focus is to provide Fall Prevention Solutions and Products to reduce numbers of people who fall & the rate of falls in hospital and community healthcare settings. As the NHS begins to implement their Patient Safety initiative we are there to provide practical and economic solutions to support the campaign.

 Last week the NHS launched their new Patient Safety campaign called ‘Sign up to Safety’. The Patient Safety campaign contains 5 pledges and the first pledge is to ‘Put safety first’. The campaign wants to reduce avoidable harm in the NHS by half. Within the NHS making the safety of patients needs to be everyone’s top priority. The campaign aims to focus on the safety culture in the NHS and to engage clinical staff as well as enable behavioural change leading to safer, better healthcare. It is critical during this campaign that the delivery of safer, better care remains a central priority. To truly bring about a fundamental change the NHS needs to also focus on cultural and behavioural change.

 The new campaign has followed on from the ‘Patient Safety First’ campaign which was launched in 2008. The analysis learnt by the ‘Patient Safety First’ campaign will be used to support the new ‘Sign up to Safety’ campaign. Evidence indicates that the safety culture of an organisation was improved through strong leadership from the top of the organisation. As the campaign aims to improve the safety culture it encouraged senior staff to demonstrate their commitment to Patient Safety by signing up to the campaigns. By the end of the campaign 61% of acute trusts had patient safety and quality as their first agenda item.

As with any campaign that seeks to bring change using new forms of engagement to an organisation as complex as the NHS, will have both successes and challenges through the 3 year plan. Throughout the time period for the campaign we will be analysing how the NHS has adapted to the Patient Safety campaign and what changes or visual to the patients.

What are your thoughts on the new ‘Sign up to Safety’ campaign? Let us know in the comment section below.